
查看:10107 回复:1 发表于 2022-9-5 11:27
发表于 2022-9-5 11:27:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

防水篷布厂家寻求合作共赢 [复制链接]

华昌塑料编织于1992年成立。 我们是塑料防护罩行业的领先制造商和创新者。本厂主要生产防草垫、篷布、温室薄膜、防渗膜。我们的领先地位建立在 20 多年的卓越产品基础上,凭借成熟的抗老化技术,我们提供丰富的优质产品解决方案,有助于我们客户在不同行业的竞争力和生产力,例如:农业、水产养殖、建筑、园艺等行业。

我们可提供免费样品, 我们接受特殊尺寸定制, OEM 和 ODM。 欢迎与我们合作,希望建立长期的业务关系!


ZALO/Wechat:+86 15521157157

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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-5 11:27:31 | 显示全部楼层
Huachang is founded in 1992 in Foshan, China. We are a leading manufacturer and innovator in the plastic protective covering industry - mainly producing weed mat, tarpaulin,greenhouse film, impervious membrane.Our leadership is built on more than 20 years' of product excellence, with mature anti-aging technology, we provide a wealth of high quality product solutions that contribute to our customers' competitiveness and productivity in different industries such as: Agriculture, Aquaculture, Construction, Gardening and etc. Free sample can be provided. We accept OEM & ODM. Welcome to cooperate with us and hope to build up long-term business relationship!

ZALO/Wechat:+86 15521157157
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